Friday, September 4, 2009


The day has been that of, oh, I don't know...too many emotions. They seem to overwhelm and take presidence in my observation of things. I'm good at going off of gut instinct, feeling out situations, and knowing what seems right at the time. But maybe this isn't always right. These feelings can be deceiving. Sometimes they take over and blind me to the point where I can't see what is truth. Just because I feel it...doesn't mean it's right. I put logic on a back burner and forget about it, only seeing two inches in front of my face. Well maybe just because I feel sad about a situation, the truth of the matter is there's no reason to feel sad. Or just because I feel frustrated about something, I'm really only hurting myself. I'm chosing to surround myself in that cloud... Emotions can be so masochistic, don't you think? I do, anyway. Hopefully I remember this before I let my feelings run away with me again.

1 comment:

  1. I understand that. I feel like sometimes I worry about stuff that's beyond my grasp anyway and then I let that worry form a cloud around my joy.
