Thursday, April 15, 2010

If I was

If I was a month, I'd be June.
If I was a day of the week, I'd be Thursday.
If I was a time of the day, I'd be 2pm.
If I was a sea animal, I'd be a baluga whale.
If I was a direction, I'd be west.
If I was a piece of furniture, I'd be a familiar bench.
If I was a liquid, I'd be coffee.
If I was a gemstone, I'd be sapphire.
If I was a tree, I'd be an oak.
If I was a tool, I'd be measuring tape.
If I was a flower, I'd be a peony.
If I was a kind of weather, I'd be rainy.
If I was a musical instrument, I'd be a cello.
If I was a color, I'd be a deep green.
If I was an emotion, I'd be calm.
If I was a fruit, I'd be a kiwi.
If I was a sound, I'd be rain falling.
If I was an element, I'd be water.
If I was a mammal, I'd be a horse.
If I was a berry, I'd be blue.
If I was a bird, I'd be a sparrow.
If I was a book, I'd be the Bible.
If I was a story, I'd be the prodigal son.

This was just to pass some time. Life is as usually, but equally in transition. I'm applying for jobs in Columbia and looking into some apartments. I feel strangly ready for this possible move. I feel like doors are opening there...with a fair amount closing here.

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