Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I feel a little overwhelmed. We are moving in less than a month. We have to pack everything and get it to Columbia, hopefully with the help of friends. I also need a job. Thankfully I have a transfer to the Walmart in Columbia that will sustain us til something better comes along--only I haven't heard any further news on the progress of that transfer. I'm a little nervous about it. I also have an interview tomorrow for HomeInstead, an elderly care company. I think I'm nervous in general. I know God is going to take care of us, it's just sometimes I really want to know how.

Really that's it. I want to know how. I'm trying to be patient and I know I'll need all the help God can provide for me. I know He wants me to take rest in him, to lay my burdens before Him. I know I can't do all of this life stuff on my own. So I'm trying to breathe. And pray.

In unrelated news, I'm in desperate need of a haircut.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

First Aid Kit

Go to youtube.com and look up First Aid Kit.
Listen to their music.
Like them.
That is all.